Morning meeting: We start each day with a morning meeting, which sets the tone for another exciting day. It lets the children know what the plan of the day is. A morning meeting provides a space for children to share their thoughts and feelings, connect with each other through music and movement, and participate in various academic activities.
Free Play: children move to the different classroom centers, which include art (various media), block play, table toys, dramatic play, sensory tables, etc.
Circle Time: introduction to the weekly theme with follow-up activities. (Kindergarten readiness activities for 4’s) Themes are designed to introduce new concepts and skills while fostering literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
Art….relating to a theme which promotes creativity and self-expression
Clean-up: time (children actively participate in clean-up.)
Storytime: (usually related to theme)
Outside play or indoor
(The children experience both small group and large group learning activities during the day.)
Enrichment Programs
The Co-op offers supplemental programs throughout the school year that are at no additional cost. All these wonderful programs are a direct result of our fundraising efforts.
Yoga: Each class has yoga with Miss M on a monthly basis.
Science: Each class has science with Miss Amanda on a monthly basis.
Additional programs and field trips:
Nature: with Nature Mark
Community helpers: policemen, firemen, etc.
Field Trips ( 3’s and 4’s only…parents drive their child to destination)
Nature Center
Fire House
School Celebrations and special activities: pumpkin patch, Halloween parade followed by trunk or treat,
Christmas activities (with Santa), holiday shopping boutiques, pajama day, spring egg hunt and breakfast,
children’s art and music show, family picnics at the playground, mystery readers, and much more.
Dojo: All parents are given the opportunity to try our private app called Class Dojo. This is one way our
Staff can communicate with you, and share news, different classroom events, updates, and photos throughout the school year. As a parent, you would be able to use this app to send messages instantly and make comments on class stories. Class Dojo is a great tool to help all of us feel more connected to each other.