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Category Archives: Fundraisers
2016 Co-op Garage Sale
It’s Garage Sale Time!
Saturday, October 15th, 2016
109 Hardenburgh Ave, Demarest, NJ
9am to 3pm
Giant Indoor Sale: 50+ families involved in gathering Household Items, Clothing, Toys, and Much More!
All proceeds of all items sold will benefit the Demarest Coop.
Sept/Oct 2015 Co-op Events
September 2015
- Music with Miss Lisa Begins 9/29
- Kid Stuff Coupon Book Sale Ends 9/30
October 2015
- Class Trip to Stokes Farm
- Lunch Bunch Program Begins
- Back to School Night
- Class Trip to Lupardi’s Nursery for some Halloween fun!
- Co-op Garage Sale – Saturday 10/17 from 9am-3pm
- Science with Miss WonderWhy
- Annual Trunk-or-Treat festivities!
Check back soon for upcoming events and fundraisers throughout the school year. Current Co-op parents can find further details on these events inside emails from your child’s teacher.
KidStuff Coupon Book Fundraiser
We are so excited to kick off the school year with one of our favorite fundraisers. “KidStuff Books” Please be sure to check your child’s mailbox in the hallway. Everything is explained in the papers that come home. If you would like a book from another county other than Bergen county please email Jonelle DiGirolamo as soon as possible! The list of counties will be provided in the paperwork. You will receive the two books on Wednesday the 16th; Thursday the 17th for the 2’s class.
Every family will be responsible for selling 2 “KidStuffBooks.” Each book is $25 and for every book sold, we make 50% or more profit! By all means please try to sell more than two (the more the merrier). It helps our school tremendously! You earn 1 free book for every 5 books you sell, and can easily save more than the $25 cost of the book after using just a few coupons, most of which are long-term and valid for 16 months!
Please make checks payable to Demarest Cooperative Nursery School and send them into your classroom teacher or directly to Jonelle by September 30th, 2015. If you have any other questions, never hesitate to reach out to Jonelle by phone, text, email, or in the hallway at the Co-op!
Many thanks to all our Co-op families and friends for your ongoing support!